Practice Group Leader

Alicia Wong

Alicia is an Accredited Specialist in personal injury law.  She can speak Chinese (Mandarin) to a basic, social level and specialises in medical negligence claims. 
Since 2010 Alicia has helped numerous plaintiffs obtain compensation from medical insurance companies in a wide array of claims including acquired brain injuries from birth trauma, catastrophic injuries from delays in diagnoses and treatment, misdiagnoses, Compensation to Relatives Act and nervous shock claims arising from the death of a loved one, surgical negligence, mishandled cosmetic procedures and failures to properly inform patients of risks. Alicia has worked with many medical experts to help clients with claims in the NSW District Court, NSW Court of Appeal, NSW Supreme Court and the High Court of Australia. 
Alicia’s philosophy when acting for injured plaintiffs in medical negligence claims is that each client is unique and they deserve to be treated with respect, understanding and non-judgmental approach that those in the health profession may not have afforded them. This is particularly important when a medical professional who plaintiffs placed their trust in causes injury, or death to their patients. Often these mistakes are caused by the health provider’s failure to properly listen to, advise and/or understand their patients. 
Alicia is devoted to progressing her client’s claims in a cost-efficient manner so they can obtain the compensation they need for treatment, aids, equipment for their injuries, care and domestic assistance and emotional closure after finalisation of their claim. Alicia tailors her advice to explain the complex legal and medical issues to her clients in a way they understand and are comfortable with, so they can make fully informed decisions about their case. 
Alicia is passionate about helping disadvantaged people who have been born or forced into difficult circumstances, through no fault of their own. She believes that lawyers are in a position of privilege which can be used to give back to the community and help the less fortunate. Alicia also volunteers at a legal centre to help clients who cannot afford general legal services. 

Alicia is member of the NSW Law Society Specialist Accreditation Personal Injury Committee which is responsible for conducting the course and assessments solicitors can take if they want to be recognised as an accredited specialist in personal injury law.

Read one of Alicia’s Success Stories

Sam’s Story – Sam had symptoms of infection after a caesarean delivery which she reported to hospital staff before she was discharged home. Sam later developed sepsis requiring re-admission to hospital and further procedures. As many know, motherhood is rewarding but it can be scary and difficult. Despite her injuries, Sam found strength in her need to care for her newborn while overcoming the challenges of her medical predicament, caused through no fault of her own. Stacks Goudkamp feel privileged to have been part of Sam’s journey of healing through the legal process with the medical indemnity insurer. Watch Sam’s inspirational story.


alicia wong
Practice Group Leader

Alicia Wong

1800 251 800
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Practice Areas


  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law