
Sue Owen

Sue has been in practice for over four decades and has worked both as an employee, and as a principal in her own firms. For the last twenty years Sue has worked extensively in the field of Compensation Law.

Sue handles Motor Vehicle Claims, Civil Liability Claims, Work Injury Damages Claims when litigation has been commenced, and some Medical Negligence Claims.

In relation to Motor Vehicle Claims, Sue worked for many years in a specialist practice where she acted in motorcycle accidents, and so has acted for many clients with serious injuries including spinal injuries and traumatic brain injuries. Sue feels that the building of empathy and trust between the client and the lawyer is an integral part of easing the way for the client through the complexities of the claims process.

Sue has been active over the years in her children’s school communities, and in the community at large. She has been a member of the Rotary Club of Wahroonga for seventeen years and has served Rotary at both Club and District Level. She is the recipient of a Paul Harris Fellowship for work done at District Level for Youth Projects.

A life long interest in History means that Sue is a member of the Royal Australian Historical Society, the Ku-ring-gai Historical Society, the National Trust and the Society of Australian Genealogists.

The mother of three adult children and more recently a grandmother, Sue is a regular theatre and concert goer, keen gardener and now a willing babysitter.

1800 251 800

Practice Areas


  • Diploma of Laws
  • Royal Australian Historical Society Member
  • Member of the National Trust
  • Member of the Society of Australian Genealogists