Former St Kilda Little League Football coach facing historical child sex abuse charges

Darrell Ray sits with the 1976 Moorabbin Cats


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Former St Kilda Little League Football coach facing historical child sex abuse charges

Darrell Ray, a former St Kilda Little League Football coach, is currently facing 26 charges of indecent assault upon a male, following a lengthy investigation by Victoria Police’s sexual crimes squad. The charges stem from alleged incidents that occurred during Mr. Ray’s tenure as coach of the St Kilda Little League team, spanning 11 seasons between 1967 and 1977. Additionally, he coached numerous school sports teams and the Moorabbin Youth Club Cats Under-11 team in the St Kilda Football Club Junior League.

Mr Ray’s involvement in the education sector extended beyond coaching, as he also worked as a teacher-librarian at several government schools, including Moe Primary and Mt View Primary in Glen Waverley. Between 1971 and 1976, he served as a teacher at Beaumaris Primary and nearby Moorabbin Primary.

In light of these serious allegations, Victoria Police is actively encouraging all victims of sexual assault and child abuse child abuse, as well as individuals with knowledge of such crimes, to come forward and make a report. It is crucial to support survivors and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

Seeking Legal Assistance for Institutional Child Abuse Survivors

The team at Stacks Goudkamp has extensive experience in representing survivors who have suffered from sexual abuse in government-run schools.

The team at Stacks Goudkamp have acted for a number of survivors who were sexually abused in government run schools. If you or someone you know has been impacted by institutional child abuse, then please contact Stacks Goudkamp for a free, no obligation and confidential meeting on 02 9237 2222 or toll free on 1800 251 800.


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